When I first began lurking in this forum, it took me awhile to figure out what the point of any serious debate was to be here. I've been out of the control of the society for so long, it just seemed a trivial and amusing passtime. But, after reading a number of your posts and answers to others, it dawned on me that there is a real exodus occuring from the WTS and the internet has become a pivotal point in it's evolution.
Many who post here are at varying stages of separation from the society and many are forced to hide their real feelings and beliefs for fear of losing familial relationships through disfellowshipping and disassociation. Many are not aware, as you are, of the internal turmoil that currently exists at the Brooklyn headquarters. You provide valuable information in a kind and serious way.
Please do not be dismayed by detractors. While I tend to view frivolously many of the matters discussed here , I forget that these are serious, life changing discussions for many. Keep up the good work.